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Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
Patients suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis could experience pain and numbness in their legs. Here’s a patient Mr Chan’s sharing who underwent minimally invasive surgery for lumbar interbody fusion to relieve pain and other symptoms. Dr. Hung-Tsan CHOW, Specialist in Orthopaedics & Traumatology, also explains the procedures and postoperative precautions in detail.

Watch this video to learn more!
Robotic Arm For Spine Surgeries
【Robotic Arm For Spine Surgeries】Patients with #spine conditions and injuries such as herniated disc, spinal stenosis, and degenerative scoliosis may suffer from paralysis and weakness in feet. One may consider undergoing spinal fusion procedures if the quality of life is immensely affected. With the newly-introduced robotic arm integrated with the use of 3D navigation and intraoperative imaging, surgeons are able to plan screw placement precisely while minimizing radiation exposure to patients. This technology is also safer for patients since it cuts down on operating time and lowers the risk of complications. Watch this video to learn more!
Knee Replacement Surgery and Recovery Tips
Speaker: Dr Ng Fu Yuen, Charles
Honorary Consultant of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, Canossa Hospital
Spinal Reconditioning Program (SRP)