2ml EXACT citrated blood |
citrated bottle |
Pink |
B12&Folate and RBC Folate |
2-3mlEDTA for RBC folate, 5ml Clotted Blood |
EDTA bottle & Plain Tube |
Pink |
Blood Grouping |
2-3ml EDTA blood, 5ml clotted blood |
EDTA bottle, & Plain tube EDTA |
Pink |
Bone Marrow Aspiration |
EDTA bottle & Plain Tube EDTA |
Special |
Send QMH,HKSH, Dr. KWChan |
Bone Marrow for Chromosome study |
Send to QM Haematology Lab. |
Special bottle contains pink fluid in deep freezer |
Special |
Cold Agglutinin Titre |
5ml clotted blood 5 |
Plain tube |
Pink |
Clotted at 37C |
Complete Blood Count |
2-3ml EDTA blood |
EDTA bottle |
Pink |
D-dimer |
2ml EXACT citrated blood |
citrated bottle |
Pink |
Direct Coombs |
2-3ml EDTA blood |
EDTA bottle |
Pink |
Eosinophil Count |
2-3ml EDTA blood |
EDTA bottle |
Pink |
2-3ml EDTA blood |
EDTA bottle |
Pink |
2ml EXACT citrated blood |
citrated bottle |
Pink |
Fibrinogen |
2ml EXACT citrated blood |
citrated bottle |
Pink |
Hb Pattern |
2-3ml EDTA blood |
EDTA bottle |
Pink |
Indirect Coombs |
2-3ml EDTA blood |
EDTA bottle |
Pink |
Kleihauer Test |
2-3ml EDTA blood |
EDTA bottle |
Pink |
LE Cells |
2-3ml EDTA blood |
EDTA bottle |
Pink |
Lupus Anticoagulant |
Send to QM Haematology Lab. |
Ask QM |
Pink |
Malarial Parasites |
2-3ml EDTA blood |
EDTA bottle |
Pink |
Mycoplasma Antibody Titre |
5ml clotted blood |
Plain tube |
Pink |
NAP Score |
Send to QM Haematology Lab. |
EDTA bottle |
Plain form |
Peripheral Smear |
2-3ml EDTA blood |
EDTA bottle |
Pink |
Prothrombin Time |
2ml EXACT citrated blood |
citrated bottle |
Pink |
RBC Osmostic Fragility |
Send to QM Haematology Lab. |
Ask QM |
Pink |
Reticulocyte Count |
2-3ml EDTA blood |
EDTA bottle |
Pink |
Sickle Cells |
2-3ml EDTA blood |
EDTA bottle |
Pink |
Thrombin Time |
2ml EXACT citrated blood |
citrated bottle |
Pink |
5ml clotted blood |
Plain tube |
Pink |
von Willebrand factor von |
2ml EXACT citrated blood |
citrated bottle |
Pink |
Weil Felix |
5ml clotted blood |
Plain tube |
Pink |
Widal |
5ml clotted blood |
Plain tube |
Pink |